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International Law (China Institute of Boundary and Ocean Studies-International Water Law Academy)

1.Goal of Cultivation

This graduate programme is specifically tailored for overseas students who intend to specialise in International Water Law, where English will be used as the medium of teaching and learning. Lectures in Public International Law and International Law will be conducted, as well as the teaching of the Chinese language, armed with the aim of training highly qualified legal professionals with a global perspective, and a good command of the theory, knowledge and skills in the fields of Public International law and International Water Law, where they are capable serving the needs of legal practice and research institutions.

The specific goals of cultivation are:

(i)To enable the command of fundamental theories and the understanding of the body of knowledge of Public International Law and International Water Law in a systematic manner, where the students would be equipped with the professional skills required to handle the demands of legal practice and legal research. In particular, the students would be capable of applying their knowledge in international law, as well as other relevant fields of knowledge in undertaking independent academic research, and to acquire the skills necessary in analysing and resolving practical problems.

(ii)To inculcate an adequate command of the Chinese language, and to develop a basic understanding of the Chinese legal and social systems.

2.Research Direction

(i)Transboundary Water Cooperation under Public International Law

The primary focus of research is to study the application of the fundamental principles of international law in the promotion of cooperation between states over the utilisation, conservation, and management of international transboundary waters.

(ii)The Development and Use of International and Transboundary Waters under Public International Law

The research seeks to explore the interpretation and application of the principles of international water law, especially the principles of equitable and reasonable utilisation, due diligence duty to prevent significant harm, the duty to cooperate prior notification, and the obligation to conduct environmental impact assessment, as well as other procedural and substantive obligations in governing the utilisation and development of international transboundary waters.

(iii)The Protection of Ecosystems of International Watercourses under Public International Law

The research studies the extension of the principles of public international law in the protection, preservation and conservation of the environment and ecosystems of international and transboundary waters, the safeguard of ecosystem integrity, sustainable development, as well as the provision of mitigation and adaptation measures that enhance the resilience of water-related ecosystems against the effects of climate change.

(iv)Dispute Prevention and Dispute Resolution under Public International Law

The primary focus of the research pertains to the application of basic principles, methods, means and mechanisms governing the prevention and settlement of international disputes in the resolution of transboundary water dispute by peaceful means, and the promotion of transboundary water cooperation.

(V)The Chinese Perspective and Practice of International Water Law

The focus of the research seeks to develop a deeper understanding of a Chinese’s perspective and practice of International Water Law, and how the practice of a Chinese’s perspective of International Water Law contributes towards the progressive development of International Law in the promotion of cooperation over transboundary waters in the region and beyond. The research further explores the influence of International Water Law in facilitating the successful implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative, as well as the role of the Belt and Road Initiative in advancing cooperation over transboundary waters not only between China and all countries participating in the Belt and Road Initiative, but also cooperation over transboundary waters amongst the participating countries in fulfilling the aim of the Belt and Road Initiative to promote regional and global peace through socio-economic development.

3.Duration of Studies

The duration of studies for the LL.M degree in International Water Law is a minimum of two academic years, but no longer than four academic years.

4.Course Conduct and Credits

In order to be qualify for the LL.M degree in International Water Law, the students would need to complete a course of study consisting of a minimum of 36 credits.

The allocation of credits is as laid out below:

•Common compulsory courses: a total of 7 credits, consisting of 4 credits of Chinese Language Comprehensive and 3 credits of an Outline of China

•Compulsory courses: a minimum of 13 credits

•Elective courses: a minimum of 6 credits

•Dissertation: a total of 10 credits

5.Dissertation in Partial Fulfilment of the LL.M Degree 

(i)The topic of dissertation: The selection of the topic of dissertation will be conducted under the supervision of the dissertation supervisor. The topic of dissertation should contribute to the advancement of knowledge, while at the same time, capable of practical application in addressing the needs of socio-economic development.

(ii)Dissertation title report: Students would need to proceed with devising a research outline for the dissertation, which will be reported to the Dissertation Supervisory Working Group within, and no later than the 7th week of the 3rd Semester. The content of the report includes: the justification for the selection of title; the review of current literature on the subject matter; and the research outline developed by the students, which should encompass the objectives of research, the research question, research methodology, and the contribution and significance of the research). There should not be less than 3 advisors (including the dissertation supervisor) partaking in the dissertation title report session. The research outline will be critically assessed by the Dissertation Supervisory Working Group. The collection of materials, the undertaking of research, as well as the actual writing of the dissertation will only be allowed after the title of dissertation is accepted and approved by the Dissertation Supervisory Working Group. If the dissertation title has yet to gain the acceptance and approval of the Dissertation Supervisory Working Group, the candidate would need to undertake the necessary amendments and improvements to the research outline as advised by the Dissertation Supervisory Working Group until acceptance and approval are gained.

(iii)The writing of the dissertation: Supervisors will conduct periodical progress reviews when candidates proceed to the stage of writing up. The writing of dissertation should be in accordance with the style and format stipulated by the University of Wuhan. The dissertation itself should be written in clear languages, be sufficiently substantiated, and coherent. After the Dissertation   has been approved by the Dissertation Supervisory Working Group, it should be submitted to be assessed by 2 expert assessors at the levels of professor, associate professors or equivalent, a month before the oral defence. Students would only be allowed to proceed to oral defence after the dissertation has obtained an aggregate of passing score from the 2 assessors.

(iv)Eligibility for oral defence: Students should have completed all the necessary lectures and had successfully obtain the required credits. Students would also need to have completed their internship practice and had filled in the “Wuhan University Master’s Degree Postgraduates Exchange and Practical Training Rating Form”. If the students’ dissertations are written in English, the cover page, the statement page and the abstract would have to be written in both English and Chinese. In order to qualify for the LL.M degree, students would have to pass all the examinations, as well as successfully defended their dissertation.

(v)Oral defence: The oral defence would be conducted either at the end of May, or at the end of November. The Oral Defence committee will consist of 5 persons. The successful defence of the students’ dissertation would need to obtain the agreement of a two-third majority of the Committee.

6.Other Required Components of Studies

(i)Practical component: The students of this LL.M programme would need to undergo an internship during the 4th Semester, including teaching training, social survey, research internship, work placement and etc., for a period of 1 to 2 months. The activities undertaken during the internship would have to be recorded in the “Wuhan University Master’s Degree Postgraduates Exchange and Practical Training Rating Form” in detail, where the report that summarises the practical training would have to be submitted. The students would then be entitled to proceed to the oral defence stage after their reports had been approved. Two additional credits will be given for the passing of the practical component.

(ii)Mid-semester Assessment: The assessment will be undertaken at the 3rd Semester. Students would be informed in advance, based on their current studies and research, in addition to the results of their examination in the determination of whether the students would be allowed to continue their studies for the LL.M degree, or to be eligible to proceed to undertake a doctoral degree. The assessment could also proceed to terminate a student’s studies based on the continuous assessment of their performance throughout the Semesters.

7.Training Methods

(i)The methods of the delivery of the programme would be predominantly lecture-based, where courses in Public International Law would be in the form of lectures and research seminars, with particular emphasis on research methodology and case studies. Students are encouraged to participate actively in class. The teaching of the Chinese language is conducted in small groups, focusing on the strengthening of the students’ listening, reading and writing skills, and the promotion of interactions between teaching and learning.

(ii)The role of supervisors would be assumed by CIBOS’ part-time or full-time professors and associate professors, were a supervisory working group will be established to facilitate teaching in groups.

(iii)External experts and scholars will be invited to conduct lectures periodically in order to expand the horizon of students, with the aim of strengthening the ability of students to undertake independent research and enhancing the students’ problem-solving skills.

(iv)The evaluation of both compulsory and elective courses is divided into 2 formats, namely examination and assessment, both of them aiming to encourage active students’ participation in class, and to appraise the ability of the students to apply the theoretical and knowledge foundation acquired in class in the identification, and the resolution of practical problems. The examinations conducted could take the form of a close-book examination, or an end-of-semester assignment, with a view of assessing the ability of students to apply the theoretical foundation and knowledge systems that they have learnt, as well as the quality of their independent research, where the mode of assessment selected would depend on the choice of the lecturer concerned, with regards to the situation at hand.

LL.M in International Water Law Programme Course Plan


Course Name in Chinese

Course Name

Credit Points

Credit Hours



Courses (a Total of 26 Credits)

Common Compulsory Courses


Chinese Language Comprehensive




7 Credits


Outline of China




Compulsory Courses


Principles of Public International Law




15 Credits


Principles of International Water Law





Seminar on International Water Law





Chinese Perspective and Practices of International Law





Research Methodology of International Law




Elective Courses


International Environmental Law




A Choice of 3 Out of 5 Options 4 Credits


Seminar on the Law of the Sea





Settlement of International Dispute under International Law





Chinese Law and Society




国际河流管理Management of International Rivers2363




10 Credits

*The above information is for reference only.

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