

                  2024-2025 Academic Year

Registration Guide for Scholarship Student

Step-by-Step Procedure before Coming to Wuhan University入学手续


  Admission package ( JW201 Form and Admission Notice, one set of copy ) 录取材料复印件一套

Valid ordinary passport and X visa 有效普通护照及学生签证

Physical Examination Form and blood test reports(original stamped and signed and attested by a physician or hospital)体检材料原件

12 Photos in Blue or White background (35*52mm)12蓝底或白底登记照(35*52毫米

Original and notarized graduation certificate, degree diploma and transcript 毕业证、学位证和成绩单公证件原件




Note: Changes are subjected to the announcement in the website (http://admission.whu.edu.cn) if have.


1. New students are advised to prepare at least 3000 to 5000RMB(approx.400 to 800dollars) .新生建议准备30005000人民币(约400800美金)。

2. New scholarship students will be arranged the accommodation by the Housing Office of the School of International Education when you come for registration, you need not to book the room in advance.  奖学金新生来校注册时国际教育学院留学生宿舍物业办公室安排住宿,学生不需提前预定房间。

3. New students begin the registration from the admission office (room 101) of the School of International Education with the above-mentioned documents. Those students who arriving in the campus at the non-working time can contact with the Housing Office for the accommodation directly, then come to register during the working time. 新生到校后,上述准备材料到国际教育学院招生办101办公室办理注册手续。非工作时间到校的新生可以先到国际教育学院留学生宿舍物业办公室报到安排住宿,此后在工作时间办理注册手续。

4. The Bachelor degree students who have one year’s preparatory Chinese language training in the designated institution should register in that institution for the first year, please visit the institution’s website for the details of registration. You shall come to register for your major study in Wuhan University in the beginning of Sept. next year only after you complete your Chinese study successfully and obtain the study certificate as well as HSK Level four for students in science or engineering programs and HSK Level five for students in liberal arts and medicine programs. 第一年需要进行汉语补习的本科学生,须在指定的汉补学校办理注册手续,注册详情请查阅汉补学校网站。汉补本科学生须顺利完成汉补学习获得结业证书,同时理工科学生达到HSK四级(含四级)以上,文科和医科学生需达到HSK五级(含五级)以上学生在第二年的9武汉大学注册开始专业学习。

5. The graduate students who have one year’s preparatory Chinese language training in Wuhan University shall obtain Chinese study certificate of completion, generally, HSK five or above certificate is also required before the major study in Sept. next year. 


6. Opening hours of Office:

May 1 till September 30 8:00-11:30, 14:30-17:30

October 1 till April 30 8:00-11:30, 14:00-17:00


519308:00-11:30, 14:30-17:30

101—4308:00-11:30, 14:00-17:00



Winter Vacation: Jan. 12 2025 ---Feb. 15 2025

Summer Vacation: July 20 2025—Sept. 6 2025

Internet 网  络

1. Please request a network certification ID with your student ID card in the Internet Service Center in the Campus of Engineering after registration. 需要在注册后持一卡通到网络中心取得账号。

    2. You can also request a network via China Telecom. 请通过电信公司获取网络。


Transportation from Airport and Railway Station to Wuhan University


By Air

From Tianhe Airport to Wuhan University 从天河机场到武汉大学国际教育学院

A taxi drive to the School of International Education of Wuhan University is about CNY150 yuan. 乘坐的士需要约150元人民币

By Train 

1. From Hankou Railway Station to the School of International Education of Wuhan University从汉口火车站到武汉大学国际教育学院

A taxi drive to the School of International Education of Wuhan University is about CNY50 yuan乘坐的士需要约50元人民币

2. From Wuchang Railway Station to Wuhan University从武昌火车站到武汉大学国际教育学院

A taxi drive to the university is about CNY40 yuan乘坐的士需要约40元人民币

3. From Wuhan Railway Station to Wuhan University从武汉火车站到武汉大学国际教育学院

A taxi drive to the university is about CNY45 yuan乘坐的士需要约45元人民币


Hospital 医院

The on-campus clinic provides medical examination and prescription for cold and other common illnesses. The medical insurance will cover most of the charges of being in hospitals for serious illness.



电话 :0086-27-6875 3912
传真 :0086-27-8786 3154
邮箱 :admissions@whu.edu.cn